Grandparents Poems


  • A parent of one’s father or mother; a grandmother or grandfather
  • (grandparent) a parent of your father or mother
  • (grandparent) the parent of someone’s parent
  • (Grandparent) means a holder, insured or annuitant who has one or more grandchildren biologically or through legal adoption or step-grandchildren.


  • A piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure
  • (poem) a composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines
  • Something that arouses strong emotions because of its beauty
  • (poet) a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry)
  • (poetic) of or relating to poetry; “poetic works”; “a poetic romance”

grandparents poems


My Christmas gift to my family, a poem about my dad’s parents:

Mary was his Mamie,
Jordan was her Jerd.
75 years shared together on earth,
Their love and devotion transcended time.

They cherished their children,
Raised and educated them to meet life’s challenges.
They were strong in love and faith,
That the Lord would show the way.

No matter where the family moved,
She always made the house a home.
Filled with love and laughter,
A place that was safe and warm.

Her cooking smelled heavenly,
And brought everyone together.
Her fresh-baked bread was like no other,
And her divinity was as sweet as she.

His sense of humor ran deep
And his gardens were superb.
He had a special touch with African Violets,
The purple was his favorite color.

As grandparents they were loving and kind,
Always happy to see each grandchild.
He taught their grandchildren to play pool
She passed on her cooking secrets.

They were always there for each other,
He was her eyes and she was his ears.
They held hands like sweethearts,
And winked at each other with love.

Although he went before her,
He never left her side.
As he always did, he went ahead,
To find a home where they could live.

I love you Grandma and Grandpa!
October 13, 2006

Lovers' Walk

Lovers' Walk
Come now, my blue-eyed child,
And walk with me down autumn’s muted roads;
The ruts are full of silts and silvered time.
Underneath your silent feet they whisper
Of ancient lovers
Who once did tread such roads as these
And who have given bone and seed
To dust and shadows.

Taken from Elementa (Loosey Goosey Press, 2008) by Faith Goble

The original photograph comes courtesy of my cousin Mike. It was taken at my grandparents’ farm several years ago. The photo looked as if it were shot on a gray, dreary, and overcast day, but I wanted it to have the colors of fall rather than the colors of winter. I cropped the photo, played with a few blending modes and did some dodging, burning, painting and filtering to get the finished picture.